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HOW TO: Clean Your Sneakers

HOW TO: Clean Your Sneakers

Keeping your sneakers clean makes them worth the money spent on them, so it's worth taking the time to look after them properly. Not sure where to start on cleaning your kicks? Follow this step-by-step guide and get the lowdown on how to keep your sneaks as fresh as the day you copped them. 

Step 1: Remove Dirt

Remove your laces and collect your supplies. Remove the excess dirt from your sneakers by knocking the soles of your shoes together and then using a damp towel.

Step 2: Wipe Down

Use a cleaner that's specific to the material they are made of to give your sneakers a surface clean. Dab the cleaner onto the stain and twist it off with a damp towel to lift the stain off the shoe. 

Step 3: Deep Clean

If they need them, give your sneakers a deep clean. Dip a soft brush into hot water mixed with cleaning solution and gently scrub your sneaks until the solution lathers - use a toothbrush for all the nooks and crannies. Use a microfibre towel to get rid of the suds to make sure they are looking good. 

Step 4: Laces

You can either scrub your laces clean with a toothbrush and cleaning solution or put them through the washing machine. If they are beyond help, pick up a new pair of laces. 

Step 5: Aftercare

Leave to dry overnight and then use a treatment depending on the material. Waterproofing is an essential step, and if you have leather you can give them a condition. 

Step 6: Done!

Now your sneakers are as clean as the day you bought them. 

If you need some new sneaker care supplies, shop our range here!

Culture Kings Sneaker Care

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